Virtual Programs
Virtual Programs
Every year, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians promotes indigenous education through in-person activities and virtual programs.
These videos are intended to share the presenters’ own culture and values and demonstrate tribal traditions, including bird singing, the making of cordage and traditional basket weaving.

Virtual Programs

Welcome and Storytelling
The village was the center of Native people’s lives. For the village to survive, each person dedicated themselves to its daily function. Interactive theatrical performances brought the village to life, demonstrating how plants, music, crafts and language each defined California Indian life and the lessons imparted during a day’s activities.

Despite many stereotypes, not all Indians used drums for music. Native Americans in Southern California perform music called Bird Songs with traditional gourd rattles. These songs speak of the creation, animals seen during the migration of the birds, and other meaningful narratives. Engage in bird singing and dancing in this video.

In this video, you will be introduced to Serrano, the native language of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.

Basket Weaving
A basket weaver explains how these artisans use plant materials gathered from the natural environment to continue artistic and cultural traditions.

Learn firsthand about the use of plant materials to make the cordage used in baskets, shelters and tools.

Cordage and Games
Learn how cordage is used in games, to teach children’s stories and creative ways to perpetuate cultural narratives.